Thursday, August 28, 2014


Consignment. It's more expensive, and it's hard to resort to after frequenting bag sales and thrift shops that practically give you beautiful things for free. But it's totally worth it if you are looking for gifts, or for something special to wear out, or if you just don't feel like wading through all the ugly at thrift stores to get the goody.

How consignment works - ordinarily, one person runs a shop, and multiple sellers pay a percentage to have their items displayed in the shop. The shop owners makes a small percentage, and the rest goes to the original owner of the item. This is why consignment, generally, is non-negotiable.

I found this really amazing beaded necklace for $9 at a consignment store. I have been so spoiled by thrift that I almost didn't buy it - even though I have never loved a piece of jewelry more. Don't get so caught up on thrift prices that you can't bear to shop regularly without buyer's remorse. You've got to #treatyoself sometimes. 

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